Mahan Hadjian — “Post President”
Mahan Hadjian is a senior chemistry major and the “post president” of ACS. The most venerable Mahan Hadjian can be found in Magruder in the Chemistry Contact Center (CCC), or in his domain, Pancake City. Dear leader Mahan Hadijan currently works in the Hoff lab on the amyloid-beta project. Il Duce, who is also known as Mahan Hadjian, has been training in the martial arts since he was seven and has attained the status of a 3rd degree black belt. An interesting fact about His Eminence, Mahan Hadjian, is that he almost killed a cop during his driving test. Mahan Hadijan, who is a pretty cool guy, also spends his free time volunteering in the GI lab of his local hospital so that he may learn how to give his mortal enemies colonoscopies.
Kerstin Peterson — President
Kerstin is a senior biochemistry major from Jefferson City. She is currently the ACS president, but is also a proud member of Women in Chemistry, First Gen United, and Alpha Chi Sigma. In addition to all of these extracurricular activities, Kerstin also makes time for research in the Dobson lab, where she involves the proteins involved in forming cataracts. When she isn’t being a worker bee, she enjoys reading, making cards, playing D&D, and being an all-around wholesome person. Some interesting facts about her include her nonexistent tolerance for spice as well as her family hailing from Germany (which probably explains the earlier statement).

Molly Vittengl — “Drink Committee”
Molly is a senior chemistry major and a proud Kirksville resident. She is the post-president of ACS and is also involved in AXE as well as organic synthesis research in the Humphry lab. When she isn’t in Magruder Hall, you can most likely find her at Thousand Hills State Park. Some of her hobbies include reading, playing flute, searching for four leaved clovers, and playing the banjo on her front porch while watching the cattle roam.

Jess Ubbelohde — Social Co-Chair
Jess is a sophomore chemistry major from Waterloo, IL and the sitting ACS secretary. She is also an avid member of Women in Chemistry and is a member of AXE. In addition, she also performs organic synthesis research in the Humphry lab. When she isn’t studying, she is most likely to be found in Chall in the third floor lounge. Some of her hobbies include running, watching Netflix, sailing, beekeeping, and caring for her pet tarantula. Wow!

Trey Maddaleno — President Elect
Trey is a junior chemistry major from Unionville, Missouri. He is the ACS Historian and is also involved in the environmental affairs committee, AXE, as well as the McNair program. Besides this, he is also actively involved in the Winikoff lab, utilizing computational chemistry to model possible catalysts for energy-relevant reactions such as water splitting. On campus, he can be found in the CCC while his favorite place to go off campus is Take Root Cafe. His enjoys taking care of his houseplants and listening to music.

Cade Rohler — Fundraising Co-Chair
Cade Rohler is a junior chemistry major from Grundy Center, IA. He is one of the fundraising co-chairs as well as the self-proclaimed “Gremlin of the Chemistry Department”. He spends much of his time in AXE and performing biochemistry research in the Dobson lab–as well as resisting the illustrious Mahan Hadjian’s attempts to domesticate him into the most powerful man in the chemistry department. When he isn’t stealing the left sock of every passerby in the CCC, he can be found playing disk golf. He also enjoys playing D&D with his friends as well as reading and reciting poetry. He can also belch on command.

Bruce Dolenz — Green Chem Co-Chair, Musical Demo Show Minion
Bruce is a junior biochemistry major from Atchison, KS. He is one of the Green Chem co-chairs as well as a Musical Demo Show apprentice. He is also involved in the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology as well as AXE and is an active member of both the Humphry and Winikoff lab. Most often, he is found in the CCC being berated by His Excellency, who is Mahan Hadjian, or at Pancake City (still being berated by His Excellency, who is Mahan Hadjian). It has been alleged that the wise leader, Mahan Hadjian, once attempted to assassinate Bruce via the latter’s peanut allergy while Bigging him in AXE. Of course, this is all lies, and all would be wise to refrain from spreading such misinformation. One interesting fact about Bruce is that he has extra ribs in his neck (which he has come to dub his “baby back ribs”). Another interesting fact about him is that it took him half-an-hour to come up with an interesting fact.

Laura Smith — Demo Chair
Laura is a senior chemistry major from La Plata. She is the ACS demo chair and is a member of he Lutheran Student Fellowship. She spends most of her time in Magruder, where she does research on amyloid beta for the Hoff lab. Otherwise she can found at her house, accompanied by her beloved sheep as well as more than 10 houseplants named after famous scientists. Her favorite hobby is drawing.

Wendy Morfeld — PR Chair, Mentorship Chair
Wendy Morfeld is a junior chemistry major from St. Louis. She is the PR chair as well as the custodian of the Mentorship Program. She is currently in the midst of setting up a lab with Dr. Kramer, looking to investigate local Missouri waterways for traces of methamphetamine. When she isn’t in the CCC, she can often be found wandering the Kirskville Square. Her hobbies involve making arts and crafts (including custom vinyl records) with her left hand.
Tiernan Smith — Treasurer, National Chem Week Co-Chair
Tiernan is a senior biochemistry major from Galesburg, IL. He is the sitting treasurer of ACS as well as one of the National Chem Week co-chairs. Besides this, he is also a member of AXE. He spends much of his time in Magruder, but when he isn’t studying he enjoys reading, drawing, and playing both the guitar and the piano. He is great with fans.
Alex Platt — Fundraising Co-Chair –
Alex is a Junior Chemistry major from St. Louis. She is also a proud member of AXE, Women In Chemistry, and Phi Delta. She is also on the Amyloid Beta project in Bill’s lab where she makes fibrils squiggle. She spends a lot of her time in Magruder in the CCC working on PCHEM and also not working on PCHEM. She enjoys painting and hiking and can be found off campus at Thousand Hills, and many of her front teeth have fillings.
Thomas Schodl – Secretary
Tomas Schodl is a freshman BCMB major from Fenton Missouri and is current secretary of ACS. He spends a lot of his time in Magruder and his favorite on campus food is Einsteins. He likes to read, cook, and take care of his 14 plants. He is involved in other organizations including the Progressive Student Alliance and Delta Chi, and is looking to be the 2000th person to join the Miller lab next semester. He also is from Germany but has a high spice tolerance.
Alison Regina – Kids & Chem Co-Chair
Alison is a freshman BCMB major from St. Louis and is one of the ACS Kids and Chem chairs. She is a part of ASBMB and rot riders. She spends a lot of her time outside and enjoys biking and hiking. When she’s not outside she enjoys reading. She also owned a 1995 Saturn SL2 she called “Professor Franklin Garth Plum”, which has since died.
Lilly Combs – ACS Social Co-Chair
Lilly Combs is a freshman biology major with a chemistry minor. She is from Farmington Missouri and is currently an ACS social co-chair. She is involved in bullets rugby, and is a member of ASBMB and Delta Phi Epsilon. She spends most of her time on campus in her room and the library. She also enjoys watching Netflix and playing with her dog. She also likes to run and swim, and has completed two triathlons.

Brock Boysan — National Chem Week Co-Chair, “Webmaster”
Brock “Brockoli” Boysan is a senior chemistry major. He is the unofficial webmaster of ACS and also a supervillian plotting the downfall of the Chemistry department. He is also the official webmaster of AXE and the second most powerful person in the Miller lab, right before Dr. Miller, who is the third most powerful person in the Miller lab. When he isn’t studying possible inhibitory ligands for binding to HIV proteins, he spends his time in the Chemistry Contact Center disseminating propaganda regarding the correct way to pronounce chirality (“Chi” as in “wind chimes”). Webmaster’s Note: It is not propaganda if it is the truth. -Brockoli Off-campus, Brockoli “Best Actor” Boysan may be found purchasing toothpaste in the fruit snacks aisle of Wal-Mart. Brock has also described himself as an avid chess connoisseur, stating that he can be checkmated in as few as four-and-a-half moves.